Table of Contents
Section Mod basics
Enchantment is a transformer that enhances unusual abilities to matters once practical.
The enchantment mod section has the subsequent properties:
- Enchantment name: It is the shown name of your enchantment.
- Enchantment type: This property will describe which piece type your enchantment container be practical (in the captivating bench only).
- Enchantment rarity: It is the shortage of your enchantment to be on an article (confidential the captivating table and for loot benches)
- Negligeable and greatest supported equal: The negligeable and the greatest equal that your enchantment ropes.
- Damage reduction modifier: This worth will be increased by the equal of the enchantment (that the item has currently) to get the amount of wound, your enchantment will defend. For example, GUARD has a worth of 1, so for the primary equal, the enchantment will guard the player of 1 harm as 1 (level) * 1 (your value) = 1.
Is this enchantment treasure enchantment?
A gem enchantment cannot be originated in the enchanting bench. It can only be originated in a loot bench, like SEWING or more lately, SOUL SPEED (1.16).
- Is this enchantment curse: Enchantments with this stuff are evil (their name is red). EXPLETIVE OF DISAPPEARING then SWEARWORD OF COMPULSORY has this stuff.
- is this enchantment allowed on books: Check this choice to have a charmed volume of your enchantment. You can’t outline the original tab, as it is clear by the enchantment kind you have clear at the commencement.
- Can be combined with: If your enchantment can individual be shared with precise attractions, you essential to first-class them in these possessions. Authority blank to allow combination with any charm.
Can be applied to: In this turf, first-rate the matters that can accept the charm in the charming bench. Your container also foils items that aren’t in the attraction type you have clear. For example, I first-rate BREASTPLATE for the charm type, but I famine to have only my tradition mail. In this arena, I will select the helmet, the upper form plate, the socks and the boots of my tradition armor, so lone these four matters will be able to have this charm inside the charming bench.
Adding an event to the enchantment
Enchantments by physically do not deliver any gun trigger. Enchantments are destined to be rummage-sale as a transformer to tradition actions clear by events.
To be talented to enhance an deed/event to your attraction you need to produce a process through a Global induction or nominated trigger of your practice basics.
Then, use the process block baptized “Get level of the attraction” aimed at apiece close of your charm. Lastly, add the movements your charm will do once the process is caused